ATL Restaurant Week Giveaway

In Partnership with Hudson

Enter to win an ATL Restaurant Week Gift Bag with VIP gifts from Tumi, Brookstone and more! See details below.

In honor of ATL Restaurant Week, influencers @Karisma_Ray, @ATLAdventurer, @ATLFoodiesTikTok, @ATLAdventurer, @ATLFoodGuy and @Eathereatl, will give away one ATL Gift Bag valued at more than $300 from Hudson! This gift features ATL Airport swag and a VIP bag filled with gifts from Hudson stores Tumi, Brookstone and more!
Follow our influencers as they travel through ATL Restaurant Week, and share details on how you can win!
Image 11-16-20 at 1.17 PM


Nichole Wolf ATLadventurer




Atlanta Food Guy - Kristen Dior Pruitt


Arielle Kleinman Eathereatl
